Why? :/
Thursday, 29-Oct-15 18:15:16 UTC from web-
@mysty Because i'm trying to prevent communication with people i don't know; i don't want to negatively affect *more* people than I already have
Thursday, 29-Oct-15 18:18:54 UTC from web-
@bonesbones more? XD i can relate. I do apologize, i had accidentally tapped your name by mistake it was right under mushis but anyways, how would you do it more?
Thursday, 29-Oct-15 18:23:14 UTC from web-
@mysty Because I know I put people out by making them worry about me and I wish I could stop that
Thursday, 29-Oct-15 18:24:10 UTC from web-
@bonesbones that is also something i can relate to. Its okay. I tend to talk about my problems and thoughts because theyre whats on my mind. If theres anything you want to just vent about dude/mam just shoot me a pm okay?
Thursday, 29-Oct-15 18:26:31 UTC from web-
@mysty Alright. I'm a guy, by the way.
Thursday, 29-Oct-15 18:31:36 UTC from web