

  1. Oh dear, have to think of something amazing to say for my first post. Ummm... My Silver Autumn Tortellini? Ah screw it, glad to be on RDN.

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 11:36:53 UTC from web
    1. @thearchduke Hello and welcome :D

      Tuesday, 31-May-11 11:41:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @thearchduke There aren't many ponies on right now, but there will be a lot more later in the day. I'm sure they will all welcome you too. As for me I am likely off to bed. I hope you have a good time here :)

      Tuesday, 31-May-11 11:45:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    3. @thearchduke Hay, welcome! I just joined yesterday, myself. Tis a pleasant place. Also, tortellini? Silver tortellini? In the Fall?! I'm so there...

      Tuesday, 31-May-11 12:04:46 UTC from web
      1. @cupcakes oh HAI there, and welcome to RDN, I hope you have a great time :D

        Tuesday, 31-May-11 12:05:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @starlightbolt Thank you, and goodnight!

          Tuesday, 31-May-11 12:07:24 UTC from web
      2. @cupcakes I was trying to go for a deeper, philosophical meaning, perhaps the Silver Autumn could mean the dying or falling of something valuable. Perhaps the falling of ones soul as silver is known to be the window to the soul as a metaphysical property. And all this just stuffed away in something that many may like but take for granted meaning that the fall of souls will be as significant as stuffed pasta. Or I'm just plain loony and rambling about Silver Autumn Tortellini

        Tuesday, 31-May-11 12:25:54 UTC from web
        1. @thearchduke ... I like pasta, too! :D

          Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:41:48 UTC from web
          1. @cupcakes I like pasta more

            Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:43:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @carcinopony You do bn

              Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:48:33 UTC from web
              1. @cupcakes uhh... I think so?

                Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:49:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
            2. @carcinopony Gack. I was going to proclaim the wonders of lasagna... =9

              Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:50:47 UTC from web
              1. @cupcakes lasagna is a type of casserole

                Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:52:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @carcinopony ... I like casserole, too! :D

                  Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:54:48 UTC from web
                  1. @cupcakes I like food. It's all good

                    Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:57:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
          2. @cupcakes pasta is great

            Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:44:46 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @thearchduke another new face! Hello!

      Tuesday, 31-May-11 13:11:21 UTC from web