

  1. I really want to play metal gear solid V but I can't afford it

    Friday, 19-Feb-16 03:10:41 UTC from
    1. @vriska it is some gooooood papaya. Would probably be my favorite game of all time if Konami didn't push it out unfinished. It's ironic, the game's subtitle is "The Phantom Pain," and, by definition, it's exactly what the version of the game we got makes me feel. I am irked by the things that aren't there. It's oddly fitting.

      Friday, 19-Feb-16 03:16:13 UTC from web
      1. @bobo @vriska I've honestly never even played a Metal Gear game before because I never had a playstation but MGSV looks so good and I really want to play it.

        Friday, 19-Feb-16 03:17:32 UTC from
        1. @vriska I recommend it. Prepare to cry, though, for several reasons, both intentional and unintentional

          Friday, 19-Feb-16 03:21:10 UTC from web
          1. @bobo I'm saving up my entertainment budget to get it on steam. I'm so pumped.

            Friday, 19-Feb-16 03:22:21 UTC from
            1. @vriska it was $30 over there recently, might be the same price or even lower during the summer sale

              Friday, 19-Feb-16 03:23:26 UTC from web
              1. @bobo thanks for the tip, I'll keep my eye on it

                Friday, 19-Feb-16 03:24:27 UTC from