

  1. Agreed. User definitely needs to be in control, but so does the Admin.

    The admin needs, and must, have ultimate control, because it's the admin that's footing the bill most often, and the one that's going to be held accountable for the content that appears.

    If a node popped-up in … let's say … Texas … that was speficically for neo-nazis and white supremacists preaching about Hitler and the Third Reich and how the holocaust was a hoax… !gnusocial operators in Germany would be REQUIRED to block all content coming from that node, because that type of speech is against the law in Germany.

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 14:08:16 UTC from
    1. @cyberczar I confirm this #: Posts of blocked accounts still show up in Classic, not as single posts, but as part of conversations and in WholeKnownNet → @mmn !gnusocial

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 14:32:09 UTC from