

  1. Wow, why have I been waiting so long to try out # services for Android? Super easy, awesome remote control of your mobile device (via commands). Recommended use is !xmpp as transport. Found in #

    Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 00:30:33 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E
    1. Unfortunately seems to have trouble with the #'s #

      Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 00:32:40 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E
      1. @mmn Err, I mean Myriad Group's AlienDalvik, in Sailfish OS.

        Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 09:39:46 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E
    2. @mmn Yeah, MAXS is great :) Remember to disable battery optimization for the MAXS apps, otherwise it will disconnect from your !XMPP server after a while.

      Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 10:03:35 UTC from
    3. @mmn Yeah, MAXS is great :) Remember to disable battery optimization for the MAXS apps when using Android 6, otherwise it will disconnect from your !XMPP server after a while.

      Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 10:04:19 UTC from