

  1. tfw im not the type of guy emo girls like


    tfw im not the type of guy girls like

    Thursday, 21-Apr-16 03:58:10 UTC from
    1. @delores If you're not attractive you just have to either get rich or really good at brainwashing people.

      Thursday, 21-Apr-16 04:00:41 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos im attractive im just not Thad Chundercock yet

        mostly posting for the memes. i'll make it one day

        Thursday, 21-Apr-16 04:03:45 UTC from
      2. @nerthos The second one seems easy, just look at most Americans

        Thursday, 21-Apr-16 05:06:36 UTC from web
        1. @polarbeariii Yeah, it's pretty easy, mostly because the general public is dumb.

          Thursday, 21-Apr-16 05:15:40 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos I promised to lower taxes, bananaes love lowered taxes(#)

            Thursday, 21-Apr-16 05:18:27 UTC from web