

  1. @chen Yeah I just don't know what highland arrow is.

    Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:06:59 UTC from
    1. @miki It's another instance built around a games site.

      Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:08:29 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos @miki They're pretty small anyways, so it wouldn't really matter too much.

        Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:10:45 UTC from
        1. @archaeme @nerthos I see.

          Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:16:48 UTC from
        2. @archaeme @chen How did it even happen? I mean, what happened to get smug loli blocked from there?

          Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:23:14 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos @chen Site admin doesn't like loli, which Smug Loli allows. They also blocked Freezepeach and Sealion club.

            Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:24:50 UTC from
            1. @nerthos @chen Really it all started with someone from Freezepeach (or Sealion, I forget) spamming loli to the Higland Arrow users.

              Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:26:27 UTC from
              1. @archaeme @chen @nerthos >Being that stuck up about chinese finger paintings

                Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:28:32 UTC from
            2. @archaeme @nerthos Ain't a matter of like or dislike, it's illegal in Canada, so I can't have it on my server.

              Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:27:10 UTC from
            3. @archaeme Well color me surprise.
              @nerthos A small discussion of our admin @nepmango  with their admin and since their servers are in canada, loli (or at least porn or ecchi) is considered as CP. You can guess the rest.

              Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:28:16 UTC from
            4. @archaeme @nerthos @chen I get she had to do it because it's the law in Canada, but the way she talked (insisting on calling it "child porn"), you would think there was real CP here.

              Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:34:18 UTC from
              1. @dolus @nerthos @chen What's interesting is that soykaf hasn't put up those same IP blocks (their admin is Canadian btw). I personally won't put up any here, but I do avoid following accounts that post mainly loli.

                Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:37:30 UTC from
                1. @archaeme @nerthos @chen Noted.

                  Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:39:35 UTC from
                2. @archaeme @nerthos Candydolls ain't loli, by the way.  ... don't look that up if you don't know what it is, though.

                  Spent like a day having to shred a lot of mango on the server and I don't have the time to keep doing that, so they got banned.

                  Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:40:39 UTC from
                  1. @maiyannah @nerthos I completely understand. I personally don't find it's worth blocking out a whole community for one or two idiots, but more power to you.

                    Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:48:33 UTC from
                    1. @archaeme @nerthos Relevant:

                      Just transmitting anything like that (ie having a notice on my server with that kind of content), can be 15 years hard time.  I don't really care to take chances, especially when no one on my server was following anyone from there anyways.

                      Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:49:59 UTC from
                      1. @maiyannah @nerthos Yeah, I avoid the people who post that kind of stuff anyways. I'm not interested anyways even if it's legal.

                        Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:51:57 UTC from
                        1. @archaeme @nerthos Granted, instances run by private citizens can probably "get away with" more than I can.  I run a business, so I'm subject to more scrutiny from the government.

                          Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:52:41 UTC from
                          1. @maiyannah @nerthos Very true.

                            Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:53:26 UTC from
                            1. @archaeme @nerthos FWIW that stuff isn't my bag, but if someone else likes lolicon whatever rocks their boat far as I'm concerned.  But I don't decide the law, the humourless government men with guns and expensive suits do that part.  It wasn't lolicon I blocked them over though.  It was pictures of child "models", which are pretty universally considered CP.

                              Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:55:55 UTC from
                        2. @archaeme @maiyannah @nerthos I'm not into it either, for me, it's a matter of free expression. Also, nobody was harmed making that drawing and I would prefer people who are attracted to that short of thing getting off to lolis rather than real children.

                          Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:56:28 UTC from
                          1. @dolus @nerthos @maiyannah Sadly the courts decided it was punnishable here even if no children were involved. Perhaps allowing it may decrease incidences of pedophilia, but it's what it is.

                            Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:00:41 UTC from
                            1. @nerthos @dolus @maiyannah no *real* children to clarify.

                              Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:02:11 UTC from
                            2. @archaeme @maiyannah @nerthos Believe me, I get dumb laws, we have plenty of them here in Texas.

                              Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:03:49 UTC from
                              1. @dolus @nerthos @maiyannah @archaeme There's nothing dumb about getting free beer with every meal as ordained by Texas law.

                                Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:04:37 UTC from
                                1. @miki @maiyannah @nerthos @archaeme They pay for that "free" beer with our taxes y'know. I don't even drink beer that often anymore, and I still have to pay for it! batcaveing socialist booze...

                                  Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:08:05 UTC from
                            3. @archaeme @nerthos @dolus Mhm, basically.

                              I've actually been an advocate for changing the law where no actual children are affected, but that doesn't really change what it is presently.  Many studies have shown that consumption of a vice fantasy often reduces the risk of actually participating *in* the vice.  The same is also true of violent video games.

                              Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:03:42 UTC from
                      2. @maiyannah Oh, so it's to avoid being dragged down by a stupid law. Exact definition of "completely justified"

                        Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:06:02 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos It is literally the only content that I have ever deleted on this instance (unless you count some of my own posts where I grapeed up links or pictures or stuff)

                          Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:10:43 UTC from
                          1. @maiyannah Yeah, I don't blame you. I would as well in such a case.

                            Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:19:16 UTC from web
              2. Canadian law makes no distinction between "real" CP and loli art. The legal penalties are the same. It's extremely serious business.

                Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:47:59 UTC from
                1. @karl I get that, but their NOT the same thing here. She could have said "loli" or even "drawn cp" and I wouldn't have a problem.

                  Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:50:56 UTC from
              3. @dolus @nerthos @chen @archaeme Which is the reason why I wouldn't let her get away with it and called her a batcave and ultimately why she cut us off.

                You don't drag me through the mud, accusing me of things, /illegal things/ and get away with it. Call it what it is, hate it, but don't accuse someone of committing criminal acts against children over how someone arranges lines on a computer screen in the shape of a character.

                We're better off, but I tend to unfollow people who bring their conversations with her into my feed all the time since it's only half of a conversation and cherrying annoying to follow.

                Also, she may be in Canada but her servers are in the US, which is what makes this whole thing cherrying ridiculous, because she flat lied about her legal responsibility.

                Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:24:21 UTC from
                1. @hope @nerthos @chen @archaeme I forgot the bit about the servers... Nevertheless, I still wouldn't fault her for her actions if she would just call it what it is (lolicon). I can also still see how loli makes people uncomfortable, because a lot of it still makes ME uncomfortable (you'll recall my initial reaction to Unteralterbach), but it's NOT child pornography it's just art and if we have free speech it should be allowed.

                  Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:32:10 UTC from
                  1. @dolus I have to agree with both in this case. @maiyannah did right in blocking content to fit into local legislation, but regardless of law lolion isn't CP. I personally define CP as "footage of underage individuals engaging in sexual activities" excluding lolicon and classifying child models in a different category, regardless of whether it's legal or not, as posing isn't porn.

                    Wednesday, 04-May-16 03:47:23 UTC from web
                  2. @dolus @hope @nerthos @chen @archaeme Let me give you some facts: Japan made lolicon to appease pedophiles to try and stop them from committing crimes against kids. it actually makes them MORE likely to do so. Lolicon is a FORM of appeasement SPECIFICALLY for Pedophiles. Js.

                    Saturday, 07-May-16 17:13:15 UTC from
                    1. @hope @dolus @nerthos @chen @archaeme HOWEVER, "lolicon" in itself is NOT child porn unless drawn as such.

                      Saturday, 07-May-16 17:18:43 UTC from
                      1. @riku @hope @nerthos @chen @archaeme It's never "child porn" no matter how it's drawn, any more than animated murder is actually murder, it's all just art, a collection of pixels, not a person. As for lolicon making pedophilia MORE pervasive, I find that VERY hard to swallow and would like to see some studies showing that to be true.

                        Saturday, 07-May-16 17:45:43 UTC from
                        1. @dolus @hope @riku @nerthos @chen @archaeme loli is just drawings you can find real child porn on pornhub  but then again you have women on   porn sites that look like they are 14-15 but are really in their 20s or 30s but  i seen worser on  google search thats why i told her when i was on twitter that then you should block google and stay off the internet sure i am in the anti child porn how i would define it  porn with real kids involved where loli is art sure i seen loli that looks really nice some of it grosses me out to but i say real CP is hard to report because how google and other sites setup the report system and also my example of people looking younger then their age so its a touchy subject unless you known the actors or people and i never do  also i don't like where i lives laws because they don't consider loli to be art  yet consider porn to be art and i know the people with morals will say oh loli can causes child abuse but give

                          Saturday, 07-May-16 22:51:01 UTC from
                          1. @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen @archaeme what kinda bugs me is when people cry about sex and porn in media yet its ok to people to kill random people in movies and etc its taboo to talk about sex yet everyone does a type of it every once and while also... but then again each to ones own and people are diffrent i guess because me i can talk about things all day if people wanted to

                            Saturday, 07-May-16 22:56:07 UTC from
                          2. @iceloops123 @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen That would be me if I went on porn sites then. I look under 18 because people use height and youth as a factor. I've been asked where my parents were before... lol. That was awkward. I agree, when real children are involved then I am against child porn. Although I think teenagers are a grey area, and I'm not sure about being so strict there because they could decide to consent, and that is the age they become sexually active and hormonal. Also rebellious whatever we say. I don't consider lolicon in this area though... there is a big difference between using a real child, and images/animation. I don't think shunning lolicon is about protecting vulnerable children, nor does it promote child porn any more than other forms of media promote other things like violence. The people into actual child porn will do it regardless of the media consumed. I don't think I am more inclined to go on a shoot

                            Saturday, 07-May-16 23:45:49 UTC from
                            1. @sim @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen  yeah point 3 kinda bugs me when people claim loli might hurt people yet you have people liking 50 shades of gray to me media is media and it shouldn't be censored or banned because a few  people don't like it its like the news should we ban it anwser to that is no

                              Sunday, 08-May-16 00:15:34 UTC from
                              1. @iceloops123 @sim @sim @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen but we can look down on it as a society which is what I choose to do
                                i choose to look down on furmango porn, too, but i don't want to ban it

                                Sunday, 08-May-16 00:18:02 UTC from
                                1. @why it's why we have the mute button. Personally I don't care for the stuff but as long as it's legal I won't take any action against it as an admin. *shrugs* @dolus @iceloops123 @nerthos @chen

                                  Sunday, 08-May-16 00:20:02 UTC from
                                  1. @fl0wn @dolus @why @nerthos @chen totaly i been blocking news accounts because i don't need to hear it when i already hear that stuff on youtube or on cable

                                    Sunday, 08-May-16 00:21:47 UTC from
                                    1. @iceloops123 yeah, I've muted most accounts that just repost twitter papaya as well. If I wanted that drama I'd just use my twitter TL =p @dolus @why @nerthos @chen

                                      Sunday, 08-May-16 00:23:42 UTC from
                                      1. @fl0wn @dolus @why @nerthos @chen  if i needed drama i could just say something sexist or homophobic on facebook and be done because lot of people drink the koolaid lol

                                        Sunday, 08-May-16 00:25:55 UTC from
                                        1. @iceloops123 I killed my FB account pre-IPO. I lost some good music industry contacts but it was worth it. That mango hole is the 2k's version of AOL @dolus @why @nerthos @chen

                                          Sunday, 08-May-16 00:27:51 UTC from
                                          1. @fl0wn @dolus @why @nerthos @chen  yeah now its twitter 2.0 with the hashtags and now you can disable comments i might abandon it when i get some where in life might make a tech,gaming etc channel on youtube and tell everyone to suck it but then again i am rebellious types since ages ago

                                            Sunday, 08-May-16 00:31:18 UTC from
                                            1. @dolus @fl0wn @why @nerthos @chen  as for media i like this and tumblr but i know people will tell me tumblr stinks because you have crazys on it but they don't bug me at all and i don't bug them so it is a win win

                                              Sunday, 08-May-16 00:35:47 UTC from
                                              1. @iceloops123 @dolus @fl0wn @nerthos @chen there are crazies on every site. only the tumblr crazies are exclusive to tumblr

                                                Sunday, 08-May-16 00:41:28 UTC from
                                    2. @iceloops123 @fl0wn @fl0wn @dolus @nerthos @chen >cable
                                      please don't listen to the jews
                                      only use liveleak

                                      Sunday, 08-May-16 00:27:18 UTC from
                                      1. @why @dolus @nerthos @chen  i don't if i really am into something ill have a second opinion to help me out and if it fits how i see things i just tell how it is

                                        Sunday, 08-May-16 00:28:48 UTC from
                                  2. @fl0wn Yeah, It's not really my thing and I can't fathom the appeal. But, whatever, it's not hurting anyone.

                                    Sunday, 08-May-16 00:24:30 UTC from
                                2. @why @dolus @nerthos @chen  if i had any power to media i would pull a trump and just say how things are but i don't have any power other then my opinion and i guess words are harmful and they are not.

                                  Sunday, 08-May-16 00:20:31 UTC from
                                3. @why You mean you can have an opinion, and NOT try to force the rest of society to conform to it?

                                  Sunday, 08-May-16 00:20:53 UTC from
                              2. @iceloops123 @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen 
                                Yeah. Media is media, people are people. I'd be more concerned if people actually did get their morals from the media... where are their parents? Or good role models in person? That would need to be addressed instead. Media is entertainment or information in the case of news. That is not the place you should be getting your morals from. Thinking about its messages are okay, but not basing your life on it.

                                You are right, we shouldn't ban the news because people don't like it, or because they let themselves feel uncomfortable. We shouldn't base media on that.  

                                Sunday, 08-May-16 00:22:11 UTC from
                                1. @sim @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen  yeah i wish would make up their opinion about subjects and not let things they hear on  media control how they see things  where me i can see where some people are coming from

                                  Sunday, 08-May-16 00:24:26 UTC from
                                  1. @iceloops123 @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen 
                                    Indeed. But that is difficult for second-handers... they get it from any source that isn't the self. Or they require confirmation from elsewhere if they do. Which people or situations are those?

                                    Sunday, 08-May-16 08:41:42 UTC from
                          3. @iceloops123 holy run on sentence bro. I think my brain just bled a little bit -.-  @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen @archaeme

                            Sunday, 08-May-16 00:04:14 UTC from
                    2. @riku @hope @nerthos @chen @archaeme You say "facts" like you were presenting some kind of evidence. Could you link us to some studies that corroborate anything you have said here?

                      Saturday, 07-May-16 17:54:07 UTC from
                      1. @dolus @hope @riku @nerthos @chen @archaeme
                        I would like to see this evidence as well.

                        Saturday, 07-May-16 21:39:16 UTC from
                        1. @sim @nerthos @chen @dolus @hope @riku Please untag me, I'm not interested n this anymore.

                          Saturday, 07-May-16 21:42:00 UTC from
                          1. @archaeme @hope @dolus @riku @nerthos @chen 
                            Sure thing. Moving forwards, I'll do that.

                            Saturday, 07-May-16 21:42:40 UTC from
                          2. @archaeme Alright.

                            Saturday, 07-May-16 22:01:52 UTC from
                2. @hope Wait, doesn't GNU social have media blacklists now? Is it still necessary to block entire instances instead of just files from them?

                  Thursday, 05-May-16 10:47:12 UTC from