

  1. well you see theres a handy little thing called # where you can take someone elses wheel and use it in your project.

    it acts as a copy/paste function because thats literally the simplest and most efficient way to do it.

    gets() is deprecated and not in the C standard as of 2k11

    there are many ways of safely putting user input into a string and all of them rely on the programmer not being a total retard and blindly batcaveting User Input into a fixed size box of memory.

    C asks you to supply your own wheels, vectors, lists, etc... because thats the most barebones and simple thing it can do. this is why C will always be faster then any more abstract language like Rust or Go and why it is the best non assembly for embedded projects.

    Wednesday, 04-May-16 02:02:21 UTC from
    1. @netkitteh @dtluna get() was a terrible idea from the beginning. fgets() is much better.

      Wednesday, 04-May-16 09:31:51 UTC from