

  1. I added object orientation to the !scheme #

    Sunday, 19-Jun-16 20:09:45 UTC from
    1. @taknamay Aha, so adding objects to #Scheme (and also to #Lisp) appears to be as easy as adding objects to #Tcl. The proof is the plethora of partially or fully incompatible object systems available for each language.

      (In the case of Tcl, I believe most object systems are being rewritten to use new O-O primatives added in version 8.6. I'm hopeful that most Tcl/Tk object systems will have some ability to interoperate as the rewrite process continues.)

      Oddly, this post appeared in my timeline five months later.

      Sunday, 20-Nov-16 18:05:05 UTC from
      1. @lnxw48 interesting, I did not know that about Tcl!

        Sunday, 20-Nov-16 18:18:19 UTC from
        1. @lnxw48 Common Lisp has an object system built into it (CLOS). However I think Scheme never will, because there are so many ways to do it.

          Sunday, 20-Nov-16 18:27:15 UTC from
          1. @lnxw48 Thus far, the philosophy of the RnRS standard has been along the lines of "If there is a disagreement betwn A or B, choose neither"

            Sunday, 20-Nov-16 18:28:29 UTC from
            1. @lnxw48 I like YASOS the most. In my view, it is the most "obvious" way to do it. It's very Scheme-y, in a way I find hard to describe.

              Sunday, 20-Nov-16 18:31:36 UTC from
      2. @lnxw48 @taknamay Not odd, reposted it when I discovered the group. :-)

        "Make an OO framework" was a !Scheme assignment at uni (SICP).

        Wednesday, 30-Nov-16 20:58:38 UTC from