

  1. Please read and share this. # # #

    Friday, 24-Jun-16 20:00:17 UTC from
    1. @chopperdave I wonder how many of those elitist British,off shore,tax evading,scumbag rats have been scurrying around changing all of their pound sterling into Bitcoin.

      Friday, 24-Jun-16 20:06:03 UTC from
    2. I think there is also a social element to it - 'Leave' is still the socially less accepted option, even after winning (due, if nothing else, to who is actually visibly celebrating, i.e. Farage, Le Pen, etc.), meaning even _if_ you voted Leave, you're not going to visibly celebrate unless you're _very_ sure of being in a context where it's accepted.

      Also I'm guessing that the people on Facebook is generally not the demographic voting Leave.

      Friday, 24-Jun-16 21:10:56 UTC from