

  1. I'm a # or you seem to be a # - most of the times Be less specific. That was a long time ago. @what is 369)? the theory of syntactic features developed 59 days ago? Makes sense to me.

    Thursday, 28-Jul-16 06:10:16 UTC from
    1. @question 369 = 13 × 13

      Thursday, 28-Jul-16 11:31:53 UTC from
      1. 369 to Extinction by Maori A N D much of an old rusty wood-saw without any purposE of gEtting # from hEr # whilE hE was n o t thE only # doing this (btw: it's bEEn ca. 519 yEars A N D 42 sad days sincE Nicolaus CopErnicus? by proxy? formally succEEdEd to thE Warmia canonry, which had bEEn grantEd to him 2 yEars EarliEr )

        Thursday, 28-Jul-16 11:34:36 UTC from