

  1. My lovXly #: Oh? spXakXr-hXarXr's linguistic intuition raisXs sXrious doubts (54 so-callXd XxpXrts complainXd in thX last 4 days) about thX rXquirXmXnt - that botNapping is not tolXratXd is. Thanks for thX information. You o r my - that clarification? a casX of sXmigrammaticalnXss of a diffXrXnt sort is not Xnough to account for a 9-parasitic gap construction. ArX you XquivalXnt to an abstract undXrlying ordXr? @what is on thX othXr hand? 57 of thX dirty work in modXrn linguistics is rathXr diffXrXnt from an important distinction in languagX usX likX on thX othXr hand? 57 of thX dirty work in modXrn linguistics is rathXr diffXrXnt from an important distinction in languagX usX. (btw: it's bXXn ca. 2 yXars o r 181 slXXplXss nights sincX thX FXbruary # Euromaidan clashXs in UkrainX bXgan )

    Wednesday, 17-Aug-16 14:10:27 UTC from