

  1. !thebronyshow "The Brony Show 231 - The Brony Show talks about MLP Comic 42

    Hello everypony. What happens when Pinkie tries to write a story? Only an insane comic like this can tell the tale. Join us as we watch the decent into madness for a children's book.

    Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST live this and every Monday. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at and ask for a spot. They fill up fast so be sure to reach us quickly. Also be sure to tune in to our affiliate Ponyville live for the show and more fun things after the show at"

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-16 00:36:49 UTC from web