

  1. Boredom is boring.

    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:22:03 UTC from web
    1. @clarity HEY CLAIRE!

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:22:31 UTC from web
      1. @noirbatch hi Seth! How have you been?

        Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:24:21 UTC from web
        1. @clarity Amazing ^-^ you?

          Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:24:52 UTC from web
          1. @noirbatch Pretty good, just throwing a few books across the room.

            Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:26:58 UTC from web
            1. @clarity Lol that bored?

              Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:27:11 UTC from web
              1. @noirbatch Yes. Well, no. I'm throwing the books because I can't find a quote I'm looking for and I can't remember what book it was in..

                Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:29:15 UTC from web
                1. @clarity Oh lol ^-^

                  Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:29:51 UTC from web
                  1. @noirbatch Books and I don't get along so great sometimes.

                    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:30:55 UTC from web
                    1. @clarity Lol yeah I feel ya

                      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:32:09 UTC from web
    2. @clarity I agree

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:23:38 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcino You have no excuse to be bored, you're in paradise.

        Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:24:49 UTC from web
        1. @clarity I'm in bed in paradise.

          Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:28:33 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @carcino Already? Isn't it like 9:30 there?

            Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:30:19 UTC from web
            1. @clarity 8:30 and there really isn't much to do beside drink.

              Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:32:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @carcino Only if you're an incredibly boring person.

                Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:34:16 UTC from web
                1. @clarity I am the only kid here cleeair be nice to me

                  Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:37:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @carcino What is this "nice" you speak of?

                    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:38:28 UTC from web
                    1. @clarity You're the nicest.

                      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:40:49 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      1. @carcino ... How much have you had to drink?

                        Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:42:43 UTC from web
                        1. @clarity Who cares

                          Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:45:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @carcino I'm not nice.

                            Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:48:07 UTC from web
                            1. @clarity toured my best friend

                              Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:51:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @carcino Hm?

                                Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:54:35 UTC from web
                                1. @clarity <3

                                  Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:55:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                  1. @carcino clarity is less than three? I'm afraid I don't understand.

                                    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:56:16 UTC from web
                                    1. @clarity You're a friend.

                                      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:56:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                      1. @carcino That's nice.

                                        Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:58:59 UTC from web
                                        1. @clarity Do you go to meetups?

                                          Sunday, 01-Jul-12 07:01:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                          1. @carcino nope.

                                            Sunday, 01-Jul-12 07:52:27 UTC from web
                                            1. @clarity Awwwwwww I went to one. It was kinda neat, confidence booster.

                                              Sunday, 01-Jul-12 07:53:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                              1. @carcino how so?

                                                Sunday, 01-Jul-12 07:59:55 UTC from web
                                                1. @clarity You would know if you went.

                                                  Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:00:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                  1. @carcino Probably not.

                                                    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:13:47 UTC from web
                                                    1. @clarity i got a job!

                                                      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:15:26 UTC from web
                                                      1. @toolmanhamm Awesome! What is it?

                                                        Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:17:15 UTC from web
                                                        1. @clarity diesil tech, tho im nervice because thair givin me 90 days 2 prove my werth 2 the shop! :(

                                                          Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:23:55 UTC from web
                                                          1. @toolmanhamm That's cool! Why are you so nervous?

                                                            Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:29:07 UTC from web
                                                            1. @clarity my pashen is helping evry budy, and i like working on truks so went 2 college 4 it, but because of my bad mimery ive alredy forgot 3 samesters of a 2 year cors.

                                                              Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:33:24 UTC from web
                                                              1. @toolmanhamm Well, um. Good luck.

                                                                Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:35:22 UTC from web
                                                                1. @clarity thank you!

                                                                  Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:35:59 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @toolmanhamm No problem. Maybe study up a bit on the things you forgot?

                                                                    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:43:46 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @clarity im tying, i hope it pays off!:)

                                                                      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:45:31 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @toolmanhamm I'm sure it will.

                                                                        Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:46:56 UTC from web
                                                    2. @clarity Back in bed..

                                                      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:16:58 UTC from StatusNet Android
    3. @hoit21 maybe later..

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 06:24:30 UTC from web
    4. @thatonepony no i have a bad mimery, so i fergit stuf if i dont use it every day. sarry 4 my bad spelling.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:27:55 UTC from web
    5. @thatonepony I have a question actually.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:30:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcino The answer is purle rabbits.

        Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:30:40 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony Oh.

          Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:33:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
    6. @thatonepony CATCH-A-RIIIIIIIDE! How often do you question yourself Pon Pon? Not a lot I would guess.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:33:01 UTC from StatusNet Android
    7. @thatonepony Like, when you do something and think 'well bananas, that was a mistake. Too bad.'

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:35:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
    8. @thatonepony thanks! i will try to read more!

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:35:16 UTC from web
    9. @thatonepony Ha. I meant more real stuff.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:36:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
    10. @thatonepony Hrrrrrrrrm. Like when you stop talking with a friend or make a decision you regret.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:38:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
    11. @thatonepony No, just wondering. I've just a very jaded view on your personality is all.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:42:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
    12. @thatonepony Right. Sounds familiar.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:44:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
    13. @thatonepony You love it, it's why we are such goooooooooooood buddies.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:46:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
    14. @thatonepony We would be like, the bane of parties.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:52:51 UTC from StatusNet Android
    15. @thatonepony There is damn near no good looking people here.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:55:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
    16. @thatonepony I can't apples to this. Or do it.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 08:59:36 UTC from StatusNet Android
    17. @thatonepony I'll settle for an okay looking girl, nothing less.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 09:03:47 UTC from StatusNet Android
    18. @thatonepony I shall be on the look out.

      Sunday, 01-Jul-12 09:06:23 UTC from StatusNet Android