!uk here's the best group photo we have of Party in the Park
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 22:41:54 UTC from web-
@ecmc Holy kiwi that looks awesome... oh HEY!!! Its "Really tall dreadlocks guy" at the far back
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 22:44:17 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 AFAIK his name is Dougie. Well, I called him "Dreadlock Dougie" in my writeup in the feedback thread so I hope that's his name.
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 22:46:21 UTC from web-
@ecmc ha, at 3 meetups i've met him. 2 of them he wore an AC/DC Highway to hell shirt
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 22:47:40 UTC from web
@ecmc !uk oh, and there are quite a few people missing from that as some were down at the coffee shop or something. Not sure exactly how many though.
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 22:47:48 UTC from web-
@ecmc do you sculp every thing and draw every thing your self
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 22:52:04 UTC from web-
@jadenman7 I'm not sure what you mean by sculp, but yeah I draw from scratch with my drawing tablet.
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 22:58:15 UTC from web-
@ecmc never mind about the scull how much is your drawing
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 23:02:44 UTC from web-
@jadenman7 How much? You mean price? I don't sell them.
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 23:05:34 UTC from web-
@ecmc you just do it for fun hey I wish could have good drawing skills but hey keep up the good work
Sunday, 01-Jul-12 23:08:46 UTC from web