

  1. My mom doesnt want to drive that far but i just recently joined this group and im glad and i wanna meet you guys but i cant

    Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:44:38 UTC from web
    1. @barrythebrony Parents banned me from joining my local group.Buts it ok didnt want to join them anyway cause there to big.

      Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:45:23 UTC from web
      1. @luckyjack hold on. Your parents don't want you socializing with other bronies? Tell them 1) they can't stop you from liking ponies, therefore 2) how does it make sense they forbid you from talking to other kids who share similar interests 3) then remind them you're not doing drugs or joining a gang so it is no big deal

        Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:47:07 UTC from web
        1. @crusader8 They aint mad about me like ponies its they have trust issue with other people.

          Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:48:38 UTC from web
          1. @luckyjack My parents have the same issue. I just kinda stopped bothering asking. Doesnt mean i do it anyway. I just learned to be content by talking to people on the blathernet.

            Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:50:11 UTC from web
        2. @crusader8 And they aint mad other people like ponies its well the kidnapping stuff that they hear about on news

          Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:49:17 UTC from web
          1. @luckyjack Still though. I mean, hanging out with bronies. About as harmless as a disarmed warhead

            Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:52:44 UTC from web
            1. @crusader8 Unless that warhed happens to be pointy. Then it may hurt somebody.

              Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:54:42 UTC from web
              1. @techdisk42 there's always a chance that the one at the museum is not behind glass, and a guy is looking too closely, and it falls off the display and stubs his toe. This is a level of danger we do not consider as a level of danger, lest we consider our homes invitations to certain demise.

                Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:58:41 UTC from web
                1. @crusader8 I dont get what you said my Fav it

                  Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:59:14 UTC from web
      2. @luckyjack hey I told my parents they laph at me here and there but they still love me and thats got to suck bbig

        Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:49:41 UTC from web
        1. @jadenman7 They think its funny cause they think about G1 the funny thing is I love G1 Also.

          Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:50:30 UTC from web
          1. @luckyjack man I think they will get over it man my parents did took them a mounth but they did

            Monday, 02-Jul-12 03:53:26 UTC from web
      3. @luckyjack Um hi do i know you

        Monday, 02-Jul-12 04:57:04 UTC from web