

  1. Thank god for rainbow dash presents. I AM THE DEUS EX MACARENA! Everypony should watch this.

    Monday, 02-Jul-12 18:55:42 UTC from web
    1. @starlynx4 I will - once south ark is over

      Monday, 02-Jul-12 18:58:28 UTC from web
      1. @hakupony you should. It's as funny as Rainbow Dash Presents: Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla. #

        Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:00:34 UTC from web
        1. @starlynx4 I don't know Rainbow dash presents at all...

          Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:03:00 UTC from web
          1. @hakupony OH SWEET CELESTIA! How do you not? you have to watch them. They are really funny parody/animation/narrations. They take the gruesome stories like cupcakes, and make them as funny as possible. Its fantastic. #

            Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:06:27 UTC from web
            1. @starlynx4 But Cupcakes really got to me... I'm pretty sensitive when it is about ponies...

              Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:08:07 UTC from web
              1. @hakupony Cupcakes made me cry. The things that happened to Rainbow Dash.

                Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:09:38 UTC from web
                1. @rainbowdashepicness Sae with me... and it normally needs much to make me cry.

                  Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:12:39 UTC from web
                2. @rainbowdashepicness that was creepy in cupcakes and sad thing what to rainbow dash

                  Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:14:30 UTC from web
              2. @hakupony Trust me on this: It completely changes your perspective. I've read a lot of the famous grim/dark/horror fics, just because I owe it to the fandom. I didn't enjoy it, and whenever I would see weird art or references, it made me sad. But Rainbow Dash Presents will be their to show you it isn't that bad. There is one thing that makes Rainbow Dash Presents happy, and makes his whole life worthwhile, and that's when his videos get bronies to smile! SMILE. They're funny, dude. #

                Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:12:08 UTC from web
                1. @starlynx4 I will trust you on this one...

                  Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:13:58 UTC from web
                  1. @hakupony

                    Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:14:58 UTC from web
                  2. @hakupony Thank you, haku. You won't regret it! @nerthos Yeah, its not the best, but it still makes me laugh hysterically. #

                    Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:15:28 UTC from web
                    1. @starlynx4 "And then she joined the ghost Wonderbolts, the end"

                      Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:16:18 UTC from web
            2. @starlynx4 @hakupony The RDP Cupcakes wasn't that good IMO, but the Captain Hook the Biker Gorilla was really great.

              Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:13:37 UTC from web
    2. @crimsondragon I didn't finish it either.

      Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:15:49 UTC from web
    3. @crimsondragon @hakupony I didn't even bother reading it. Dash crashed against stone walls at race car speeds, with only bruises resulting from it. Pinkie simply doesn't have the strenght needed to actually penetrate her coat with a knife. And even if she had, the knife wouldn't be able to stand the strain. The whole thing doesn't make sense at all.

      Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:23:49 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos I know it doesn't make sense. Still, it hit me on an emotional level - maybe I'm just to emotional.

        Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:26:12 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony Well, probably.

          Monday, 02-Jul-12 19:26:30 UTC from web