

  1. Yo where all the interesting people at.

    Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:20:54 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @carcino Dead.

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:21:29 UTC from web
      1. @trixiethewonderful Too bad.

        Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:25:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @carcino For you, maybe.

          Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:29:02 UTC from web
          1. @trixiethewonderful Yes for me, it's a hard life dealing with the boring rabble of humanity. I mean Ponydom.

            Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:30:14 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @carcino Or you could shut them out. Better yet, kill them.

              Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:31:40 UTC from web
    2. @carcino Hiding from the uninteresting ones.

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:21:47 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Figures.

        Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:25:20 UTC from StatusNet Android
    3. @carcino Ever since that song came out, they been shufflin'

      Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:27:34 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony Monday Shuffle, Tuesday Shuffle...

        Tuesday, 03-Jul-12 07:28:13 UTC from StatusNet Android