

  1. I still purge punctuation from my filenames on the premise that you never know when you may have to use a # computer. Eagerly anticipating the day when I know I will never have to use a Windows computer.

    Saturday, 01-Oct-16 05:45:43 UTC from
    1. Mind you, by then we may be so disempowered by "platforms" that people will just look at me blankly and say "Filename? What's a filename?"

      Saturday, 01-Oct-16 05:48:18 UTC from
    2. @mjd I usually don't put spaces in filenames, either, because they're annoying.

      I do use colons a lot, which aren't legal in filenames on Windows.

      Saturday, 01-Oct-16 15:33:30 UTC from at 47°39'41"N 122°22'44"W
      1. @takeFluffle Puffakenji @mjd I tend to use either dashes or underscores instead of spaces depending on what I'm working on.

        Saturday, 01-Oct-16 15:39:40 UTC from
        1. @archaeme @mjd I often use either underscores or CamelCase for separating words.

          Saturday, 01-Oct-16 16:06:52 UTC from
    3. Wow. I've said a lot of controversial, and - let's face it - unnecessarily obnoxious things online, but no topic has generated as many passionate responses as file naming conventions. Don't ever change, #

      Sunday, 02-Oct-16 10:48:50 UTC from