

  1. After adding some constraints, I'll probably enable full @markov tomorrow.

    Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 21:16:08 UTC from at 47°32'38"N 122°19'45"W
    1. @takePotato Knishesakenji @markov I think it's funny that your bot and presumably the inventor of the markov chain shares a name with a Defenceman for the Montreal Canadiens

      Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 21:25:59 UTC from
    2. Yeah, some additional limiters will be needed before @markov is fully activated all the time.

      Maybe I should turn down the rate limiting for replies.

      Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 23:31:41 UTC from
      1. I'm also running it manually much more frequently than I have cron set up to run it.

        Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 23:32:13 UTC from
      2. @takeFluffle Puffakenji Nobody ever sees my stuff on Laserdiscs when I was just the nozzle.  It all spurted out when I can at least partially because of all of us.

        Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 23:35:33 UTC from
      3. Limiter # is in place.  Mentions older than a specified age in hours will be ignored when the bot is run.

        Thursday, 20-Oct-16 12:25:03 UTC from
        1. Next up: @vriska's request for untagging support.

          Thursday, 20-Oct-16 12:26:00 UTC from
          1. And now that feature is in.  Hopefully @vriska will like it.

            That—combined with 'forgetting' notices that are older than a configured number of hours—should reduce some of the chatter.

            Thursday, 20-Oct-16 14:18:19 UTC from
            1. I'm still testing it in production, though.

              Thursday, 20-Oct-16 14:23:40 UTC from
              1. I'm still testing it in production, though.

                Thursday, 20-Oct-16 21:30:28 UTC from
        2. Limiter # is in.  There's pressure to not participate in a single 'conversation' (it's an identifier in the GS backend) a lot during a single run.

          Thursday, 20-Oct-16 17:47:52 UTC from