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    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 04:47:41 UTC from
    1. @moonman I think this actually is illegal to wear in Canada now.

      Sunday, 23-Oct-16 04:53:19 UTC from
      1. @dolus @moonman I think there are only 5 legal things in Canada
        1. Hockey and beer
        2. Accepting refugees
        3. Pink shirts
        4. Meme posting about quantum computing
        5. Selling oil

        Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:09:12 UTC from
        1. @sumi @moonman @dolus implying beer is going to be legal for long

          Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:11:14 UTC from
          1. @why @dolus @moonman I heard something about a smoking ban being discussed. If that is a real discussion then no doubt alcohol will soon follow.

            Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:16:33 UTC from
            1. @sumi @moonman @dolus theyd ban alcohol faster, to show more respect to the refugees

              Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:17:42 UTC from
              1. @why @sumi @moonman Pork too. I mean, we want them to feel welcome, don't we?

                Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:18:40 UTC from
              2. @why @dolus @moonman Wouldn't it be better to group them into that oil rich land in the plains, split that off into a new province called New Syria and give them a federal tax exemption?

                Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:21:42 UTC from
                1. @sumi @moonman @dolus too reminiscent of indian reservations

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:25:56 UTC from
        2. @sumi @moonman @dolus better than america
          1. clapping
          2. getting shot

          Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:16:53 UTC from
          1. @delores @dolus @moonman You forgot the best part of america
            3. Looking like [minority]

            Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:24:01 UTC from
            1. @sumi @moonman @dolus thats not legal, that gets you shot by whites. but also being white gets you shot by the minorities. its like a circle of non-life.

              Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:25:54 UTC from
              1. @delores @dolus @moonman Maybe we should ban guns. It works for Japan right?

                Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:27:49 UTC from
                1. @sumi @moonman @dolus i think japan works because there's no whites or minorities. they're sort of cheating, so we could try importing both of those there and see what happens. plus it'll make them diverse (which is our strength)

                  Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:29:13 UTC from
                  1. @delores @sumi @dolus definitely don't run the numbers on exactly who is committing the gun crime.

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:30:11 UTC from
                    1. @moonman @sumi @dolus its not crime when its done by cops :)

                      Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:30:51 UTC from
                      1. @delores @sumi @dolus that still wouldn't even be most.

                        Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:31:28 UTC from
                  2. @delores @moonman @sumi @dolus it's a smaller area which makes it possible to enforce the ban

                    also there's no culture of gun ownership in japan
                    you try taking away people's guns in america w

                    Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:31:17 UTC from
                    1. @hakui @delores @sumi @dolus the civil war was when the most guns got dumped on the USA, another massive batcaveup that can be directly traced to american slavery.

                      Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:33:04 UTC from
                      1. @moonman @hakui @sumi @dolus funny how all of americas problems come from trying to oppress the black man
                        classic case of genetically inferior beta males

                        Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:34:21 UTC from
                        1. @delores @hakui @sumi @dolus literally everything wrong with america is directly attributable to the institution of slavery.

                          Sunday, 23-Oct-16 05:35:53 UTC from