

  1. Not !fs as far as I remember (actually, I remember reading about how there were multiple variants being used, with varying popularity).

    I explicitly remember reading about how it was troublesome that iOS users couldn't communicate with Android networks, as the most common p2p method was some kind of bluetooth meshing-or-comparable-technology. And Apple only allows audio streaming over Bluetooth, making it utterly useless in a scenario like that.

    I think the meshing was made possible by hacking the MAC broadcasting, embedding a data layer in the discovery mechanism.

    And maybe wifi hotspots were used, but then even Android 802.11 mesh capabilities are not available (or were at the time at least).

    Saturday, 05-Nov-16 23:32:56 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E
    1. @jim I know there is something like this with the Bluetooth hack in #

      Saturday, 05-Nov-16 23:34:25 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E