

  1. On forced holiday in # from tomorrow for reasons that escape me. # thought I should contact old friends. "Hi! I'm now fat, old, and hopelessly miserable. Come share the experience with me for a while!" That's what the # is for.

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-16 10:59:07 UTC from
    1. Back from mini-hols. Fun day with # on the Western # food trail, thence south to my mum's birthday party. Ears ringing from relatives who can only embellish their primitive utterances with additional volume.

      Sunday, 11-Dec-16 04:50:27 UTC from
      1. Resisted urge to challenge the #'s famed casual racism. Can't believe you can babble excitedly about a day wearing out shoe leather In search of Turkish food, Korean dumplings, and Vietnamese spring rolls, to be warned "Don't go to Hurstville. All Asians now. Such a shame."

        Sunday, 11-Dec-16 05:02:01 UTC from