

  1. @sklaing Humour like that is often a (not great) coping mechanism for personal insecurities, so I kind of pity those kinds of people more than get angry at them, personally, but its also a little easier for me to do so I will readily admit, since I'm not in those shoes, so to speak.

    Thursday, 08-Dec-16 20:43:53 UTC from
    1. @maiyannah I laugh at those tick boxes while having no real insecurities though. I think in official papers only birth gender should matter to make things clearer and easier.

      Thursday, 08-Dec-16 20:50:32 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos That's not gender then, that's biological sex.

        Thursday, 08-Dec-16 20:53:21 UTC from
        1. @maiyannah Well I suppose to some they're different concepts.

          Thursday, 08-Dec-16 20:52:35 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos To medicine, yes they are, very much so.  I don't really care about other contexts when it comes to that discussion.

            Thursday, 08-Dec-16 20:55:31 UTC from
            1. @maiyannah Good enough for me. I have no intention to try to convince you as you actually know what you're talking about.

              Thursday, 08-Dec-16 20:55:14 UTC from web
            2. @nerthos "Well I feel you should respect my demigender asexual tumblrkin identity" "...well I think you're being difficult and obnoxious for the point of getting attention, but that's neither here nor there is it?"

              What matters when it comes to medical treatment is the plumbing when it comes to physical treatment (biological sex) and the self-image when it comes to psychiatric treatment (gender identity).  I should note that the kind of stuff we see about otherkin and the 98439843 types of gender identity on Tumblr and the like, often represents mild schiznophrenia.  However, there are entirely valid cases of people whom for a variety of reasons, have a mental self image of the other biological sex.  This isn't always just because they're mad or attention-seeking.  For instance I personally dealt with this when I was somewhat younger, because of hormone deficiency.

              Thursday, 08-Dec-16 20:59:22 UTC from
              1. @maiyannah I don't disagree with that. As far as hormonal imbalances and other medical conditions affecting gender perception, it's no more wrong than coughing due to a cold. I do find identifying as a certain gender without any such condition to be ridiculous.

                Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:01:05 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos Yes and we're not in disagreement here!  Indeed, most of the transpeople I know who transitioned as a result of an actual diagnosed medical condition resent the people whom do so just to be popular - "transtrenders" they get called as a slur - because they foster negative relations with their communities around them, which helps no one.

                  Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:05:16 UTC from
                  1. @maiyannah Fads ruin everything.

                    Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:06:27 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos Well, its a result of the progressive push for "trans acceptance" being actually a push for special rights, in this case, I'd say.  When you give a certain social group special privileges others do not have, it is a matter of course that people are going to go "me too!"

                      Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:09:14 UTC from
                      1. @maiyannah Pretty much my views on it.

                        Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:10:56 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos I saw the same thing firsthand when I was campaigning for gay rights as a younger lass.  You had the people who wanted just the ability to have the relationships we desired and be able to marry, and then the people who wanted 'gay' to be a special status and confer privileges.

                          Nowadays the LGB lobby is mostly just the latter, because well, in all but some really third-world sort of places, most people can have gay relationships just fine and that's all the rest of us asked for.

                          Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:14:36 UTC from
              2. @nerthos For some people such as myself, you can have medical or hormone treatments to correct things so that the gender identity is in line with the original biological sex, and this is, of course, naturally preferable (at least in my opinion, I know many people would argue this, but I'm speaking with the psychologist hat on).

                However, this is not always possible, and when it isn't, HRT and GRS can still represent effective treatments that remove the impairment presented by the gender/sex dispairity, in which case, I have no issue with people whom do so and in fact encourage them to do so as they can become a much more effective member of society without those mental issues plaguing them.

                Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:02:28 UTC from
                1. @maiyannah See it's nice to see people talking about this like you do and not from the "muh identity" grounds.

                  Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:04:17 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos Gee it's almost like this is what I have a university degree for and did as a job professionally for a long time or something.  I resent the "tumblr psychology" community because they have NO idea what they're talking about most of the time.  In the same way the "degenerates" as you termed them promote bad sexual practices, so to does the "tumblr psychology" lot peddle a lot of quackery when it comes to psych.

                    Moreover, most of them just don't have any empathy for others, which really when it comes down to it, is the key to helping people with psychological problems.  You have to want to understand and help people with their problems.  These people don't - they just want to allocute and moralize about what's best.

                    Thursday, 08-Dec-16 21:08:20 UTC from