


    Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:12:34 UTC from web
    1. @nakkecil22 I love that song. how u doing this morning?

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:14:15 UTC from web
      1. @iluvzfluttershy I am doing fantastic. I have a much-needed job interview and I'm fairly confident I'll get the job.

        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:30:34 UTC from web
        1. @nakkecil22 you probably will, I got called back on my first job yesterday. I got the job!

          Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:34:03 UTC from web
    2. @ablomb you watch the colbert reprot too? #

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:15:28 UTC from web
    3. @ablomb ah, hes very funny, he did a segment on oreoes "coming out of the pantry" you gatta see it

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:19:03 UTC from web
    4. @ablomb eh, it got a laugh out of me

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:24:44 UTC from web
    5. @ablomb eope with rustled jimmies are best fun :D

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:26:57 UTC from web
      1. @hakupony people

        Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:27:35 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony Pony

          Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:28:39 UTC from web
    6. @ablomb well he takes it very seriously but yet he doesnt give a kiwi.

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:27:13 UTC from web
    7. @mrconventrix yah and stephen colbert made the best comedy segment out of it

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:28:16 UTC from web
    8. @ablomb damn right

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:29:47 UTC from web
    9. @ablomb You assumed correctly. But gorillas are not very funny, they are cool though.

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:29:50 UTC from web
    10. @ablomb Like it says in the Pokemon movie…

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:30:44 UTC from web
    11. @mrconventrix a delivery driver.

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:33:58 UTC from web
    12. @mrconventrix Yeah, but it's a risk I have to take. I really need a job at this point.

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:36:22 UTC from web
    13. @mrconventrix thanks :)

      Thursday, 12-Jul-12 10:51:52 UTC from web