

  1. @panda More an analogy than a parable. The Hare Krishnas are great at analogies; death being the taking off of one suit to put another on, and so on.

    Thursday, 29-Dec-16 09:58:58 UTC from
    1. @panda Have enjoyed lots of conversations with Hare Krishnas who at least start from reason, as opposed to # evangelicals who mostly argue "I have faith, and am deliriously happy, so get, or at least fake, faith and you can have the same." I don't know how to do that.

      Thursday, 29-Dec-16 10:06:48 UTC from
    2. @panda …but there are plenty of people of faith I admire. John Shelby Spong always moves me to tears and hysterical laughter. That Jesus bloke wasn't bad, either. I like his early, funny stuff.

      Thursday, 29-Dec-16 10:18:24 UTC from