

  1. Dangit now there's a thunderstorm outside of the hotel. I hate thunderstorms...

    Friday, 13-Jul-12 16:52:01 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowdashepicness Do u live in the hotel or what cause that would be so cool.

      Friday, 13-Jul-12 16:53:04 UTC from web
      1. @luckyjack I don't live in it. Were just kinda... Well nomads. Since our passports were denied. So were staying in it until we get a rental on an apartment. So yeah. I just want to have somewhere, that we don't leave immediately due to fund issues.

        Friday, 13-Jul-12 16:55:23 UTC from web
        1. @rainbowdashepicness Ok,Y,all could stay with me when I move out.

          Friday, 13-Jul-12 16:57:16 UTC from web