

  1. I tried to Google this topic, but couldn't find any good answers. I asked a few friends, but nobody seemed to know answer to this extremely simple question.

    If file system is using 4096 byte clusters / blocks. If I update single byte and write it back. Does the underlying storage device get write call for 512 bytes (sector) or 4096 bytes (8 sectors). Of course device like SSD can still detect that only one sector was being actually changed, even if the write request contained 8 sectors.

    That's so simple question, does anyone know the answer? - I guess often this doesn't make any practical difference. But with fast SATA SSD it's possible that random write is limited by bandwidth and with single sector writes it would be 8 times faster than with with cluster / block writes.

    Just a thought play. # # # # # # # # # # # #

    Saturday, 31-Dec-16 11:36:52 UTC from