

  1. If you want actual inclusion then completely ignore all not-work-related traits of a person and hire solely based on qualification.

    Saturday, 28-Jan-17 03:24:00 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos All that matters is the ability to do the work on time and to a satisfactory level.

      Everything else is as unimportant as the color of socks that they wear.

      Saturday, 28-Jan-17 03:30:06 UTC from
      1. @cyberpotato Basically. And you know, you could still do that 30 years ago. For all the talk about how X and Y group were barred from doing Z because of discrimination, so far most of the cases of it I've seen were self-sabotage. Like how some complain women couldn't freely decide on what field of work they wanted to go in, and had to conform to gender-assigned roles, when my mother went for an engineering degree in the 80s and had no more issues with it than any male, nor was mistreated despite having a 40:1 male to female ratio in most classes. Discrimination in most cases starts at the self-inflicted level.

        Saturday, 28-Jan-17 03:34:22 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos It's down to personal effort, there's a lot more effort in going and doing something like that than there is in taking gender studies and then screaming about the unfair differences in stuff like STEM when the sane companies are desperate for qualified hires and don't even care if you're a potato from space as long as you can do the job.

          Saturday, 28-Jan-17 03:54:54 UTC from
          1. @cyberpotato In all points, exactly. It also involves owning up to your own shortcomings when rejected. I didn't cry about discrimination when I bounced exams due to not knowing enough.

            Saturday, 28-Jan-17 03:57:40 UTC from web