

  1. There are certainly things I disagree with emanating from the shining manor, as there have been with every other occupant since I first became aware of them. There is certainly precedent and reason for much of the most-despised portions of recent proclamations, whether I agree with them or not.

    When the previous # ruler occupied the manor, I cautioned those giddy about his unilateral moves that it was too much power in an individual's hands. Now that the despised and # ruler is the occupant, they suddenly agree with me.

    Principles, people. If you don't want an occupant you dislike exercising those powers, don't agree to an occupant you like using them either.

    Sunday, 29-Jan-17 15:34:54 UTC from
    1. I think the increasing power of the executive is in a positive feedback loop. When your party controls the White House, you can increase its power to your own ends, when the opposing party has it, you can denounce their escalating abuse of powers, while knowing that expansion of power will be waiting for your team after the next turn.

      Monday, 30-Jan-17 01:35:09 UTC from