

  1. I think Trev doesn't get, from his clarification posts, that outside of mastodon the GNUsocial admins in general aren't interested in drama or starting bullcherry, virtue signaling, having martyrs, or any other similar practice. Most of them just offer people to join their node because they enjoy talking to that people.

    Thursday, 02-Feb-17 22:58:18 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos One has to realize that some instances just aren't interested in federating with others, so there's no point in trying to make it happen.

      Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:02:55 UTC from
      1. @archaeme I was talking about his clarifications that he didn't want to publish transcripts or point fingers or any of that when he was offered to move somewhere else. It's likely he thought people were trying to get a martyr to prove Mastodon's staff evil, when he was just offered the option because he's nice to talk to.

        Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:06:14 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Agreed. I think he's just tired of being involved in trying to improve Mastodon's relationship with the rest of the community.

          Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:18:15 UTC from
    2. @nerthos I can't blame him for being concerned, it is quite a serious allegation that's being made.  But without real substantial evidence and given the people it's coming from are reactionaries who love histrionics, I don't really think its a problem.

      Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:44:49 UTC from
      1. @lilitu I have no idea what happened. If you want, explain what it was about, over here or any other means of contact. Still I'd be inclined to trust him because he doesn't come off as a fascist looking to push an agenda or benefit personally from the project, he seemed to be the only talking dev that actually wanted to make something decent out of it. But still, when you spend that much time in those circles you tend to forget outside of there, many people don't care nor want to be involved in crap, they just want amicale people on their nodes to have meaningful conversations with.

        Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:47:06 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos Essentially he made a poster at mastodon social feel uncomfortable crossing boundaries in some non-specific way and rather than be an adult about it and say "hey that's not cool" the poster in question cried up a storm for hours on Mastodon until Trev just cut ties with there entirely.  He's suspended and banned now by everyone's favourite fascist, to maintain the extinct mammals safe space.

          Since Trev doesn't want to go back there anyways, I consider the matter resolved as is.  He was banned and left and certainly isn't going after them (and requested anyone from Mastodon social to unfollow him, in fact).  But that's just the thing with these people.  It isn't enough to just get them off mastodon social, they have to get people off the Fediverse entirely - we saw that with Sim.  He's been concerned for the trouble he will cause other admins.

          The thing is, I have most of the MS egregious lot banned here anyways.

          Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:52:54 UTC from
          1. @nerthos Its why it may in fact be better if he came here since many of them are banned anyways, but I can't make him or anything.

            Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:54:46 UTC from
            1. @lilitu Oh, sure. Most admins and some users extended invitations after all. Even I did, since this place is perfect if you're left leaning and don't want to deal with mastodon, as they can't see you here even if they want to.

              Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:54:29 UTC from web
          2. @lilitu So the usual, little crybaby fascists throwing a tantrum over nothing and trying to ruin someone's life. It was bound to happen sooner or later since he tried to act like an adult, an unforgivable sin there.

            Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:53:14 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos CBA to switch accounts again, but, yeah, pretty much my take too.

              Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:57:10 UTC from