

  1. Ever since switching from MariaDB to MySQL, I've noticed a couple of things:

    1. Webfingers are sometimes broken.  Logs show that the webfinger resolution code that reaches out to the relevant remote GS instance isn't even hit.

    2. My notifications don't decrement the same way.  For example, if someone favorites one of my notices, the notification count doesn't go down when I click on the notice.

    !gnusocial !postactiv !fediverse 

    Sunday, 05-Feb-17 18:41:15 UTC from
    1. May consider switching back at some point, since the cause of the memory leak-like symptoms were caused by something else.

      Sunday, 05-Feb-17 18:42:24 UTC from
    2. May consider switching back at some point, since the memory leak-like symptoms were caused by something else.

      Sunday, 05-Feb-17 18:42:47 UTC from
    3. # here might be of interest to @sim and her GS admins.

      Sunday, 05-Feb-17 18:43:30 UTC from
      1. @takegrapeakenji
        Interesting... so it doesn't work because it doesn't recognise the hit.

        Sunday, 05-Feb-17 19:18:23 UTC from