

  1. https://Potato  $15 per episode, or $30 for all three episodes! An incredible EGA/VGA game with large animated characters, and huge levels. Your mission is to stop Dr. Proton, a madman bent on ruling the world with his army of Techbots. As the irrepressible hero Duke Nukum, you'll chase Dr. Proton deep into the Earth, then to his lunar space station, and eventually into the Earth's nuclear ravished future. This is an astonishing Sega Genesis style game with more animation than ever seen on an IBM PC! Also features dual scrolling play fields, with huge 3-D backdrops. No other IBM game has emulated this eye-popping effect. Watch Duke somersault and cling on to ceilings as he escapes traps and battles Proton's robot guards. This game is sure to be a show stopper! Other features include four-way scrolling levels, cinematic effects, demo mode, built-in hint mode, arcade sound effects, joystick support, high score c

    Thursday, 09-Feb-17 09:04:23 UTC from
    1. @rw I remember playing the first episode of that game a lot as a kid

      Thursday, 09-Feb-17 10:03:00 UTC from web