

  1. still not seeing @maiyannah 's posts .__.

    Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:42:11 UTC from
    1. @hakui I'm seeing yours now, direct or not.  So it did something but not enough.  I looked at the logs and everything seems 200 OK status codes so no errors or anything.

      @fl0wnsclone or someone with database access might want to clear out the hubsub table of anything with URI LIKE and have you resubscribe, usually clears out any federation errors at the cost of having to resubscribe to people from that instance. 

      Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:45:55 UTC from
      1. @hakui @fl0wnsclone What can happen (and did happen several times for is the sub gets labelled "Inactive" and the instance discards federated notices cause of the sub being inactive.

        Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:46:49 UTC from
      2. @maiyannah @hakui Guess FZP has a big issue with incoming federation. It's the same for me with FZP people, I can see them just fine but they can't see me.

        Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:46:03 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos @hakui Yeah seems like it, I see everyone except Flown fine, his main account doesn't work but I do see flownclone fine.  Something's gone a little pear-shaped somewhere I guess.

          Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:52:27 UTC from
      3. @maiyannah hmm yeah @fl0wn would it be fine if you look into that some time? also do that for RDN while you're at it maybe

        Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:49:18 UTC from
        1. @hakui @maiyannah Over here it's weird as all the posts of FZP accounts someone is following come through perfectly and with little delay, but it's impossible to make new subscriptions as our server can't reach FZP's to make the connection, and throws an error on the osstatus page. And stuff doesn't get through to there either, so it's likely an issue with FZP rejecting incoming stuff.
          Hopefully someone relays this as I can't repeat on SPC lol

          Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:51:27 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos @hakui @archaeme 's got your back fam

            Monday, 20-Feb-17 22:54:27 UTC from