

  1. Trump wants Mexico to take back non-Mexicans that come into the US through the south border. Mexico: uh, no.

    Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:10:47 UTC from
    1. @verius If you have someone in your country that got there illegally, you ask what their country is and send them there. If they refuse or the country doesn't want them back, you make a raft, load it on a boat, and leave the guy on it on international waters.

      Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:12:02 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos I think you'd break a few treaties doing that though, as well as suffer a PR nightmare.

        Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:17:10 UTC from
        1. @verius Eh, there's always execution or forced labour.

          Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:16:11 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Killing people for simply being in your country. It's debatable (and actually actively debated in NL) whether being illegal should be a criminal act. However I think I doubt there's any serious debate that the death penalty for people who have entered the country illegally is a too severe penalty.

            Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:55:20 UTC from
            1. @verius Well, I would consider the guilt to fall on the country where the illegal belongs for not taking the offender back. A country should not be expected to allow someone to be in there if they haven't entered legally, so they should have the right to dispose of the offender by ideally deportation, but other means if that's not possible.

              Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:27:55 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos @verius The semi-legitimate part of this is that Canada and Mexico are the US's two neighbour states, so they're the easiest to expel people.  But they should be sent to the point of origin, not some other third country that won't give a Potato Knishes about them.

                Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:32:14 UTC from
                1. @maiyannah @nerthos I believe Mexico's position is that they'll take back Mexicans but not foreigners. And judging by your comments about Canada's border patrol I suspect the Mexican route is the easiest way for non-North-Americans to enter the US.

                  Friday, 24-Feb-17 07:47:31 UTC from
      2. @nerthos Oh and people always say they're from a known unsafe country.

        Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:17:50 UTC from
        1. @verius Define "unsafe country"

          Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:16:40 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos I would define an country being unsafe for a person if the person would have a substantial chance of (A) suffering torture, degrading or inhuman treatment (i.e. torture, rape or other forms of abuse), (B) persecution (note: that's not the same as prosecution) or (C) suffering from violence (i.e. being killed or maimed) either specifically aimed at them or because of an active violent conflict in the area the person would be returned to.

            Thursday, 23-Feb-17 15:52:34 UTC from
            1. @verius I'd consider it reasonable to provide assylum if the person can prove they come from the country in question and applies to it properly, but if they're lying then lol ditch

              Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:34:03 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos There's a naturalization process for people who came illegally to the States but want to become legal, but it involves paying fees and in general repaying their debt to that society and people don't like that - they want to have their cake and eat it too.

                Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:37:16 UTC from
                1. @maiyannah Well that's fine. If the country is willing to offer such a chance out of generosity, then they can take that option. But I don't think a country should be forced to offer it, nor that any sanctions would be fair upon a country that decides to simply get rid of trespassers.

                  Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:39:38 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos The reason I mention this is because people make it out like they HAVE to be in the US illegally, that they'd be sent off to some backwater in Azerbaijan if they fess up.

                    There is a process there for just these cases - they just choose not to use it.  Which, in my opinion, is one more reason they should be deported.

                    Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:43:16 UTC from
                    1. @maiyannah @nerthos It just feels selfish to me that they'd flagrantly break laws and expect to be treated with kid gloves. My family went through the proper channels to arrive here.

                      Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:44:15 UTC from
                      1. @gameragodzilla @nerthos Well, to use one example, the chineese people who were smuggled here in that operation the Navy busted that I talked about previously thought they were paying someone to help them move to Canada, they didn't *know* they were entering illegally, they thought it was above board.  So that's why we designed a process to vet and process them.  Given the chance, those kind of people would likely have chosen to have entered legally if they knew that they were entering illegally, and those aren't the people we should be punishing, really.  It should be the ones that intentionally and willfully enter illegally.

                        Likewise Im sure this happens a lot with middle-eastern countries to both here and the US.  The human smuggling industry is HUGE in those kinds of war-or-communism-torn countries.

                        Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:47:30 UTC from
                        1. @maiyannah @nerthos Oh definitely. Intent is the biggest thing with me. If your intent was to enter legally, but you just got swindled, that's one thing. Intentionally exploiting the system for your benefit is where I call bullcherry.

                          Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:50:17 UTC from
                          1. @gameragodzilla @nerthos Agreed.

                            Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:50:37 UTC from
                      2. @gameragodzilla Eh, I endorse zero tolerance.

                        Friday, 24-Feb-17 02:46:34 UTC from web
              2. @nerthos That's basically how it works in NL. Though Amnesty and the likes give us a lot of flack for locking up people we cannot yet expel but that have been judged to have no right to be here.

                Friday, 24-Feb-17 07:49:31 UTC from
                1. @verius @nerthos Even Canada does this.  Not sure why its such a controversial position.

                  Friday, 24-Feb-17 07:54:36 UTC from
    2. @verius Should be deported to their point of origin like any other illegal.

      Thursday, 23-Feb-17 22:18:56 UTC from