

  1. If you want to know how much Bioware apples up legitimately good looking people, here's the actress for Sera from DA:I

    Monday, 27-Feb-17 21:53:34 UTC from
    1. @maiyannah TBH she looks like a female benedict cumberbatch

      Monday, 27-Feb-17 21:52:21 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos why would I want to look like eggs benedict

        Monday, 27-Feb-17 21:54:57 UTC from
    2. @maiyannah They made the model for the new Mass Effect look like Shrek.

      Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:00:13 UTC from
      1. @cyberpotato So she has layers?

        Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:01:30 UTC from
        1. @maiyannah The ship prolly has a swamp deck.

          Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:05:15 UTC from
          1. @maiyannah and a donkey companion.

            Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:06:50 UTC from
            1. @cyberpotato Am I the only one who finds the detail in the skin texture a bit weird when the hair texture and model in general looks like something out of Half-Life 2 from years and years ago?

              Actually, scratch that, Alyx looked better.

              Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:08:25 UTC from
              1. @maiyannah It enhances the "papaya don't look right" character effect that them and Bethesda are the modern champions of.

                Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:13:27 UTC from
                1. @cyberpotato Bethesda actually didn't do too bad with Skyrim all things considered.  But even Oblivion looked better than Sera from DA:I

                  Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:14:01 UTC from
                  1. @maiyannah In Skyrim they looked like people, in Fallout 4 they looked like lizards in skin suits that they weren't used to yet.

                    Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:20:18 UTC from
                    1. @cyberpotato That's because they were lizards in skin suits.

                      Fallout 4's protag wasnt so bad if you took the time to fiddle with it right.  But they used random generation for most of the NPCs and it showed.  Bioware has never been one to put the time in to properly taking the time to go over things right.

                      Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:22:19 UTC from
          2. @cyberpotato The human lass genuinely doesn't look "bad" in terms of looking like a person, but it definitely doesn't look much like the actress she's supposed to resemble.

            The asari lass has a bad case of fish eyes.  I guess that happens when you have an upsidedown octopus for a head though.

            Monday, 27-Feb-17 22:07:05 UTC from