

  1. I had a rather bizarre # involving milo... at first, I was reading what some guy (I don't recall who) on GS said about him who was close, and thinking I wished that happened to me. I forget exactly what was said. But the next thing I know, milo has invited me over for dinner. So I'm over there, and he has made some chicken stew with rice. Before sitting down, I felt like I wanted to hug him... and then he offers a hug so that happens. Then we eat, and it's quiet until he asks if I'd like seconds. I say that I'm too full, and pat my stomach. We laugh over that, and he puts everything away. Even putting the remains of the dinner into little lunch boxes to eat while cold. And then it ends with another cuddle, and then I just get weird about the idea of kissing him because he is a gay dude and whatnot... and change to someone else. What a gent, right? So attentive. LOL. I don't imagine he is really like this, but it was so bizarre since he

    Saturday, 04-Mar-17 11:15:10 UTC from