

  1. @gargron RDN's published timestamp is off by 3 minutes.  Ideally it would be nice to have that fixed on their side, but it's been a while.

    Sunday, 12-Mar-17 22:08:26 UTC from
    1. @gargron On second thought, it could be drifting slowly since I recall it only being 2 mins behind a while back.

      Sunday, 12-Mar-17 22:09:18 UTC from
      1. @gargron Which in that case a simple offset may not easy correct.

        Sunday, 12-Mar-17 22:09:38 UTC from
    2. @archaeme Forwarded it to @ceruleanspark in case it's just the server's date and time lagging behind a bit.

      Sunday, 12-Mar-17 22:10:46 UTC from web