Hello, weekend. ¬¬
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:14:18 UTC from web-
@stecissunrise Hory sheet! Good evening to you!
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:15:15 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Calm down, it's only me! *glomp*
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:16:40 UTC from web-
@stecissunrise So how are you? Like I just said... I just got back from my first con, mcm in Manchester
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:17:30 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 I forgot that took place there. How as it? Getting warmed up for next month?
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:18:54 UTC from web-
@stecissunrise it was insanely good.... So much awesome cosplay
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:20:38 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Happy for you. Does facepaint count as cosplay? Of course not but I got plans for using some for buck.
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:21:54 UTC from web-
@stecissunrise borderline yes.... compared to the awesome harley quinns, ezio auditores, and pinkie pies ive seen today... probably not
Saturday, 21-Jul-12 20:25:09 UTC from web