

  1. The thing about text-based FiM based RP is that people get so caught up in their vivid (and often drastically differing) mental imagery that they forget the ponies are in a toy/cartoon universe. HOW DO THEY HAVE SCARS SHOWING THROUGH FUR they're a cartoon HOW CAN THEY SMASH LIKE MARSHMALLOW AND LIVE They're a cartoon WHERE ARE THEIR GENIT- they're a plastic toy.

    Wednesday, 25-Jul-12 13:49:59 UTC from web
    1. @retl XD This is why I both love, and hate RP. It allows original characters to grow and develop more than if you just imagined them yourself, but a lot of people just like to STEP on canon. :/ Bugs me.

      Wednesday, 25-Jul-12 13:52:43 UTC from web
      1. @minti Yeah!

        Wednesday, 25-Jul-12 14:20:18 UTC from web