

  1. Greetings Everypony! ^_^

    Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:03:55 UTC from web
    1. @onixus Hi Doctor Nix!

      Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:04:42 UTC from web
      1. @earflaps Doctor? I have no MD! A PhD is not a doctor, it is a Professor.

        Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:05:46 UTC from web
        1. @onixus But Pwofessah, I need to cawl yew Doctah because uvverwise it isn't a pun!

          Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:08:09 UTC from web
          1. @earflaps What pun? I see no pun.

            Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:10:29 UTC from web
            1. @onixus Doctor Nick/Nix. And now I've explained it, the joke is now no more. It has ceased to be.

              Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:11:20 UTC from web
              1. @earflaps Nope, still don't get it.

                Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:11:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @colfax THIS DUDE. RIGHT HERE.

                  Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:13:08 UTC from web
                  1. @earflaps I don't watch the simpsons.

                    Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:13:48 UTC from web
                  2. @earflaps Oh, I see... I never watch the simpsons.

                    Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:14:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @colfax @onixus Somebody who's never watched the Simpsons. Now I've seen everything.

                      Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:15:39 UTC from web
                      1. @earflaps Have you seen a twelve legged chicken? Cause I have.

                        Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:17:15 UTC from web
                      2. @earflaps I just never got into it, it seemed pretty stupid to me

                        Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:18:54 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              2. @earflaps well, at least you gave it your best shot.

                Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:12:11 UTC from web
              3. @earflaps ... I honestly don't get it. Oh well, ya can't get em all.

                Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:12:23 UTC from web
        2. @onixus And I'm a Baron! The Black Baron, skypirate extraordinare!

          Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:08:41 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @colfax And I'm Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate (TM)!

            Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:09:47 UTC from web
        3. @nevergobak congrats! @onixus heya and greetings

          Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:10:24 UTC from web
          1. @raindrop Hi ^_^

            Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:11:03 UTC from web
    2. @onixus well hello there

      Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:07:46 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors Greetings!

        Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 13:10:03 UTC from web