

  1. # #

    Thursday, 20-Apr-17 01:27:39 UTC from
    1. @lnxw48a1 Mastodons doing this unique thing that's never been done so it won't work based on 0 empirical evidence

      Thursday, 20-Apr-17 01:44:01 UTC from
      1. @rw Article by Eric "Dumpsterhead" Limer.

        Thursday, 20-Apr-17 01:44:47 UTC from
    2. @limer I read your article on and as a proponent of an open web, However:

      * You assume that [any !OStatus instance] has the responsibility to verify its users.

      The fact is that each user has their own responsibility to verify their accounts. Say, for example, that you are you. Then you have a personal website or work account. At this profile, you place a link to your social account (just as with your Twitter account). Noone else can fake that (assuming you're not hacked, but that's a different story).

      Furthermore, there's something called !indieweb which makes this verficiation seamless and integrates into browsers etc, where if someone claims to be someone else - so called rel="me" links can be used in a sort of "callback verification" scheme. Fully automated with green checkmarks and whatnot.

      All other issues you raise are also issues on the web in general.

      Thursday, 20-Apr-17 10:19:33 UTC from at 63°49'42"N 20°15'34"E
    3. @lnxw48a1 This article is better than most, but I find the argument that we need some sort of overarching authority for "enforcement" in the fediverse just as suspect as it is in the real world. It's pretty trivial to verify which accounts are valid and which aren't: you ask the person what their user address is in a medium outside of the fediverse. This is exactly the same as looking up an email address, yet that's not touted as a weakness of email?

      Thursday, 20-Apr-17 15:18:44 UTC from