

  1. !abqbronies This is still a ways away, but the autumnal equinox (Saturday, September 22nd) would be an excellent day to have a Running of the Leaves Celebration. Any ideas?

    Sunday, 29-Jul-12 02:54:59 UTC from web
    1. @erfunden, !abqbronies, that sounds like an awesome idea, idk how athletic some people may be, but maybe we could look for some sort of marathon? Also that's far enough away we could get some shirts made just for the occasion too.

      Sunday, 29-Jul-12 06:43:35 UTC from web
      1. @theangelofrazgriz, !abqbronies Well, I don't know about a marathon, but I could probably manage a 5k or a mile. If everyone can provide an estimated time, we could have handicap- staggered start times so that everyone crosses the finish line at about the same time. It might make it fun and competitive for those of us (like myself) who aren't great runners.

        Sunday, 29-Jul-12 21:17:28 UTC from web