

  1. vroom vroom

    Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:25:04 UTC from
    1. @roka that's not a train

      Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:25:33 UTC from
      1. @shpuld that it is not

        Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:26:20 UTC from
        1. @roka don't really see those longer buses that are split in the middle anymore here (I have no idea what they're called in english, we call them "accordion bus" if you translate the finnish word literally)

          I do rember one time in one of those, on my way to high school, the thing slided slightly off-road into the snow and the driver couldn't get it out. that was a decent excuse for being late from the class

          Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:33:52 UTC from
          1. @shpuld I had the driver climb the side of the highway's dirt mound thing once with a normal bus because trafic was completely stuck. Good times.

            Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:36:38 UTC from web
          2. @shpuld we still have those but it's a large city with expansive and widely used public transport - they had to be long for people to fit in. We also have two-carriage trams and lately accordion trams too (there is no way of switching wagons without it).

            Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:37:32 UTC from
            1. @roka oh the word is apparently 'articulated bus', learning something new every day

              only city here with trams is helsinki, and they work fantastic there. the public transport there is quite flexible overall with buses + trams + subway

              Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:42:41 UTC from
              1. @shpuld tfw filthy commies were planning for subway here and started digging stations/underpasses but they were so structurally unsound they got sealed without much use.

                Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:45:45 UTC from
                1. @roka that sounds better than having them used until something collapses

                  Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:49:45 UTC from
                  1. @shpuld yeah, I'm so glad they aparently bragged so much about it that it'd be too embarrassing if something did happen. The decision was last minute too - people already had bought space for stores there back then.

                    I saw a video of one of those sealed tunnels just before they were filled up - it didn't collapse but walls were very weirdly and visibly broken. Ceilings had many reinforcements too.

                     One such underpass is still functioning BTW - it was the only one stable but I don't know if it was supposed to be expanded into a subway station. Would make sense since it's a bus/tram cluster, I guess.

                    Thursday, 27-Apr-17 07:59:07 UTC from