

  1. UGH! I hate insomnia! I need some Valium, Zanex, Percaset, Darvaset, Vicodin, Calaudapin, sleeping pills and Niquil. I can't sleep yo and it's driving me mad it's like my eyelids are glued to the top of my forehead

    Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 20:39:42 UTC from web
    1. @yatta You need my old standby, the infamous Nyquil Colada

      Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 20:41:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax Nyquil Colada? XD sounds like something you'd get at a bar. Seriously, I've never had an insomnia attack this bad since elementary school.

        Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 20:44:30 UTC from web
        1. @yatta Years ago I was really sick, got hit with a few things at once, and I got fed up with all the pills and stuff I had to take, so one sunday I tossed everything into a blender with most of a bottle of Nyquil, spun it up for a couple minutes and started doing shots... the next thing I knew it was thursday... thus the Nyquil Colada was born.

          Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 20:47:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @colfax lol and what day was it when u took the shots of Nyquil Colada? I don't wanna become comatose XD

            Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 20:52:03 UTC from web
            1. @yatta It was on a sunday, sorry for the late reply, I had to go out for a bit.

              Tuesday, 07-Jun-11 22:06:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop