

  1. @licorice "Well, You and a partner charge down 'the list'." He pointed to it. "You have a rider and runner that do 8 passes. For the first 4 passes the lance will be an in an a quarter thick and all remaining will be an inch and a half thick, depending on tournament rules." He snorted a little bit of fire, wiggling it. There is a guard you must hit to earn points that is gritted on the shoulder. Anywhere you hit on it is one point, 5 for a shattered lance, and 10 for a dismount. If the tips of the jousts touch than you do a rerun no matter what. You can also not hit the runner or the jousters head OR strike them too low it is a minus 5 points. At no time can the rider hold onto the runner except with their legs. If you try to slow down while doing a run on the list you will be penalized as well." He stared at you. #

    Tuesday, 31-Jul-12 01:18:31 UTC from