

  1. #? I think so - and if you are so inclined:

    @bob - Does amazing work with Freedombone. You might like his site too :D
    @maiyannah - The person to talk to about # and # She knows so much and is an amazing person in general. Show some love!
    @shel  - You might wanna ask before following her, but she is a pretty cool person, and does everything she can to help in areas she knows very well!
    @lambadalambda - Creator of Pleroma FE and Pleroma BE. Knows their banana. Worth a check at the very least. 
    @moonman - He is very knowledgable about GNUSocial and obv. runs his own instance. He has helped me personally on a number of occasions.

    Friday, 02-Jun-17 19:47:29 UTC from Repeated by moonman