

  1. @pingspike ah, ok, the thumbnail issue still. Btw I have not heard people talk about a bug like that, so I can imagine it's not an actual gnusocial bug but caused by the php system. I'm not an admin myself though.

    Monday, 05-Jun-17 20:41:21 UTC from
    1. @pikespike you could join the !gnusocial group and repost your IRC post to the !gnusocial group here.

      Monday, 05-Jun-17 20:43:48 UTC from
    2. @pingspike you could join the !gnusocial group and repost your IRC post to the !gnusocial group here.

      !gnusocial: Did anybody else have issues with thumbnails of attachments not being created unless the original image is really small?

      Monday, 05-Jun-17 22:35:34 UTC from
      1. @mcscx2 @pingspike You need a relatively large amount of RAM available to PHP's memory_limit to be able to successfully thumbnail large files.  The manner in which it does so is very memory-inefficient.

        Monday, 05-Jun-17 22:38:35 UTC from
        1. @maiyannah @mcscx2 Hi, thanks for the info!! I think you are right, this is possibly a # # or issue, rather than a gnusocial issue. So I just edited the memory_limit and changed it to 1024MB - should be enough, right?? But I still get the same error :(  I have added a comment to

          Tuesday, 06-Jun-17 10:17:14 UTC from
          1. @pingspike @mcscx2 The library GS uses for this is not terribly efficient or reliable.  My fix for this on postActiv, my fork, will probably eventually be the replacement of that library.  In the meantime, the fact that it's the larger images seems to support this.

            Keep in mind if you are using the FPM based PHP, any time you change the php.ini, you will have to restart PHP before the changes are loaded.

            Tuesday, 06-Jun-17 17:27:49 UTC from