!yorkshirebronies After 2 months I decided to leave UK of Equestria forum, for which I subscribed to get info on meets. (This is also why I mention my departure from UKoE here). The reason? A while ago an image I posted there (my desktop) got deleted because of it's content. I didn't mind it got deleted, but I felt I was unable of obtaining better or more detailed guidelines on which images are considered ok to post. Earlier this week one of my posts was deleted because people might interpret the content in an inappropriate way. I have been advised to bear in mind how people might interpret my writing. Unfortunately, I cannot take into consideration all interpretations and associations people might get from my posts. These two incidents made me realise my style doesn't fit in with UKoE, and it made me feel not welcome. It hurts to say goodbye to UKoE, but I simply don't dare to post anything anymore. Whenever there are meets, I guess I have to check it out here instead.
Friday, 10-Aug-12 13:09:48 UTC from web-
@yorkiebrony People normally pop up to tell me when there are meets, as I'm too lazy to register there, so I'm sure they'll let you know too.
Friday, 10-Aug-12 13:31:35 UTC from web