

  1. omg i was born on a friday

    Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:52:05 UTC from web
    • @crusader8 Was it Friday the 13th???? if it was then LAL you have bad luck.

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:53:16 UTC in context
    • @crusader8 Wait............I WAS BORN ON A FRIDAY TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:54:16 UTC in context
    • @lunacymambo technically the bad luck part would be in being born *dont read too much into that*

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:55:46 UTC in context
    • @lunacymambo my next friday-birthday is in 2014

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:56:30 UTC in context
    • @crusader8 I have serious understanding issues.

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:56:35 UTC in context
    • @crusader8 Mine would be in 2018!

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:57:37 UTC in context
    • @crusader8 I did in fact read the article actually months before you shared it with me but like i said before I am not tolerating the hate I am tolerating the person and non-violence and not using harshness against one's foes has been proven in history to not be the most time efficient but it is the most powerful and that is why i choose to love and tolerate and that is just where i stand on this issue, one article does not constitute the right to be cruel to others it's just one person's opinion that tries as they may to change others view points and lead them astray from the meaning behind all of this we must do this as a calling card that it is not okay to be violent and cruel to each other and display this through our actions your suggested course of action is in fact working against the cause if we are cruel to others more and more will be cruel to us

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:57:50 UTC in context
    • @lunacymambo it lies in the debate of what is considered bad or good luck. Simply calling on statistical unlikelihood alone doesn't make an actual occurrence lucky or unlucky

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 14:59:17 UTC in context
    • @crusader8 FRIDAY THE 13TH IS UNLUCKY!! HOW CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 15:00:30 UTC in context
    • @lunacymambo Naw. Ive had many a friday the 13 without an incident.

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 15:02:13 UTC in context
    • @techdisk42 The following things I might say is not me.....It's my other side Pandicoco she is well kind of...Crazy: SPAWN OF SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPAWN OF SATAN!!!!!!........: I'm really sorry for what she said.

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 15:04:36 UTC in context
    • @masterspear "one article does not constitute the right to be cruel to others" what you said there is exactly why I don't think you read the article, nor do I believe you understand what tolerance really is. Tolerating a person who exhibits harmful behavior and/or discrimination/hate is socially irresponsible. "ah well ya see I'm tolerating the homophobe as a person but I'm not tolerating his hate." This makes no sense. the article isn't telling you it's okay to punch people that hate you; it's suggesting what responsible adults have known all along: Bad behavior shouldn't be tolerated, and the people behind hateful or harmful actions should be held responsible. See how I didn't jump from tolerance to cruelty? There are more ways to react to hate than tolerance or face-punching.

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 15:08:44 UTC in context
    • @crusader8 Hate or discrimination behind these is still a person and a potential for regret and wish for repentance to the people they have commited atrocities to if the hater later comes to love the ponies and the community should we not accept them simply due to their past actions or should we embrace with open arms this person you see each time we embrace them we are sending out the message that we are above such non-sense and will not participate in the atrocities but should you seek to be like one of us and truly hold regret then we will welcome you with open arms for instance the homophobe is usually scared by homosexuality because often times they see themselves and their true hapiness and their bitterness just consumes them as a person but should they break through the barrier of hate he shall come closer to his fellow man and become a part of a community that is built on support and kindness

      Friday, 10-Aug-12 15:17:11 UTC in context